A trace primarily contains the information about which branches were taken and which weren’t. We compare that information with all the instructions from the original binary and reconstruct the instructions that were executed by the program. Later, with the help of LLDB’s symbolication stack, we can obtain the corresponding source code information and show it to the engineer in a readable fashion.
A trace primarily contains the information about which branches were taken and which weren’t. We compare that information with all the instructions from the original binary and reconstruct the instructions that were executed by the program. Later, with the help of LLDB’s symbolication stack, we can obtain the corresponding source code information and show it to the engineer in a readable fashion.

A trace primarily contains the information about which branches were taken and which weren’t. We compare that information with all the instructions from the original binary and reconstruct the instructions that were executed by the program. Later, with the help of LLDB’s symbolication stack, we can obtain the corresponding source code information and show it to the engineer in a readable fashion.

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